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Showing posts from August, 2008

IT - a means to maintain justice.

Fabrication of resume is not an uncommon act. Many are guilty of that. Especially in an environment where, there is no means to cross reference the resumes, have left many people who are guilty of such a crime in high positions of the government and other commercial sectors. How often do we cross reference the letters or certificates? How often do we check the given serial numbers or at least the actual certificates when the copies have been submitted? Many times there is even no way to check a tracking number to see whether the person is telling the truth. This is where the importance of databases comes in to action. Central databases play an important role in reducing such frauds by giving the opportunity for everyone to at least check the serial numbers to trace back to the original. Many times what happen is that people who are 'smart' and wicked enough to commit such crimes play nicely. They won't fake an entire certificate or document, they just change the part they w...

No More Windows? No OS?!!!!!!!!

Have you ever imagined a 'no windows' world? In a world where you don’t have to deal with any Operating Systems like windows? Sounds exciting aren’t it? Well, Microsoft has imagined it. They called it cloud computing. Steve Bass writes… It's true: Microsoft has confirmed that it's abandoning Windows as we know it. Cagey as ever, the Microsofties won't say when it'll happen, but they have talked a little bit about what the next OS is going to look like--or not look like. Microsoft code-named the project Midori. As best I can figure, its cloud computing: Everything, including applications and data, is on the Internet. What Exactly Is Midori? My colleague Elizabeth Montalbano, with the IDG News Service, tried making some sense of it in " Microsoft Prepares for End of Windows With Midori " and Erik Larkin, our crackerjack OS and Web guy, has plenty to say in " Cloud Computing, Microsoft's Midori, and the End of Windows ." There ar...

IT and Hollywood: The reality gap

Toni Bowers writes... In the movies, all you need is access to the Internet to change someone’s bank account or to launch nuclear missiles. We know it’s all for effect, but how much is too much? ————————————————————————————————————— I love movies. I love television. But if you knew only of the world what you saw in those two media, you’d be one delusional person. For example, going by movie and TV alone, here’s what you would think you knew about the medical profession: Nobody ever comes into the ER with anything less than a rare condition brought on by the bite of a insect that is one of only six left on the planet. Writers write this way because an hour-long episode about a tetanus shot wouldn’t be worth watching. And TV’s view of journalism is seriously flawed because it implies that newspaper reporters are always running around chasing down important stories that involve some secret government conspiracy. When in reality, most reporters make a living writing obituary copy ...