Robert McMillan, IDG News Service writes.... You knew the argument had to come up sometime: survive the economic down turn by using open source to help you save money. Now Computer World blogger Steve J. Vaughan-Nichols makes that claim in his Linux Will Save Us blog post. The title almost has religious overtones. I found Steve's article thanks to blog posts by Alan Shimel and Michael Farnum . Whether it's iPhones, Linux vs. Microsoft , or Macs vs. PCs, there's always a group who are so overly passionate about their favorite hammer that everything else looks like a nail. I've developed many products on Linux, Windows and some even on Macs, to know that taking your favorite technology too seriously creates other blind spots in your logic and decision making. That said, I can't claim I've never done the same, but hopefully I've learned from those experiences. (My picking on Apple is all in good fun, btw.) Okay, now back to Steve's post about ditching...
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